Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Terrorists are.... American

9 Militia accused in plot to kill police and bomb furneral. A christian militia no less. Michigan based organization called Hutaree. The usual they were going to do this to start a war. Arizona Republic front page and page A5 March 30, 2010. I'm surprised they put this on the front page.

Remember the Oklahoma Bombers were from Mid Michigan.

Just what we needed more fruitcakes running around in the woods playing terrorist.

Monday, February 1, 2010

One Island Two Countries One Destroyed One Not

I have been having a hard time understanding how an earthquake of this magnitude can hit the isle of Hispanola destroy one country and not touch the second. Haiti which is 1/3 of the island is destroyed. Dominican Republic which makes up 2/3 of the island is untouched.

This maybe the answer:

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Formaldehyde Tainted Trailers Revisited

Here we go again. FEMA got busted for forcing the formaldehyde tainted trailers on unsuspecting Americans during the Hurricane Katrina fiasco. Now they want to ship them to HAITI. (AZ Republic January 30, 2010, pg A18) Haven’t these people learning anything yet? This idea is being pushed by the recreational-vehicle and trailer industry.
So far AID (US Agency for International Development)is rejecting the idea as is the Haitian Culture and Communications Minister Marie Laurence Lassegue.

Let your Congress people know what you think about this idea.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

One Island. Two Countries. Only One Devastated

One Island, Hispanola. Two Countries, Haiti and Domician Republic, sharing the same land mass. How is it that Haiti is devastated and the Dominion Republic is unscathed? Natural diasters do not discriminate. What's wrong with this picture?

During Hurricane Katrina the US public raised one billion for the Red Cross and we haven't heard a peep about it since. Just as in business those who have been the most effective on the ground have been the small non profits who have been toiling away, getting the job done. So please find an organization that has been there doing the job and donate to them to insure that the money reaches the people of Haiti in a timely manner.